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About Us
The Bank's history
BOT Act 2006
Contact us
Corporate Governance
Board of Directors
Organization Structure
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Past and Present Governors
Client Service Charter
Core Functions
Monetary Policy
Monetary Policy Framework
Modalities for Monetary Policy Implementation
Banking Services
Banking Services
Financial Markets
About Financial Market
Foreign Exchange Reserve
Government Domestic Debt
Financial Sector Supervision
Introduction and overview
Laws and regulations
Supervision Tools and Methodology
List of Licensed Institutions
Approved External Auditors
Currency Issuance
Banknotes and coins issued by Bank of Tanzania
Bank Customer rights and obligations in cash transactions
Commemorative Banknotes and Coins (numismatics)
Financial Deepening and Inclusion
Financial Deepening and Inclusion
Financial Inclusion
Objectives and Functions
Financial Technology Innovations
Financial Consumer Protection
Financial Deepening
Financial Inclusion Reports and Publications
Payment & Settlement systems
Functions and responsibilities
Clearing and Settlement Systems
Payment systems oversight
Payment System Initiatives
Acts, Regulations, Circulars, Guidelines
Code of Conducts
Regular Publications
Annual Reports
Consolidated Zonal Economic Report
Foreign Exchange Derivatives
Financial Stability
Monetary policy report
Monetary Policy Statement
Monthly Economic Review
Quarterly Economic Bulletin
Quarterly Statistical Bulletin
National payment systems publications
Bank and Acquirer Codes
Money transfer operators
Other publications
Financial Sector Supervision Annual Report
Conference of Financial Institutions
Gilman Rutihinda Memorial Lectures
Research Newsletter
Tanzania Investment
Tanzania Tourism Sector Survey Report
50th Anniversary
Working Papers Series
Zanzibar Investment
Financial report publications
Annual Financial Statements
Monthly Statements Of Financial Position
Economic statistics publications
Calendar Year
Fiscal Year
General Information
Exchange Rates
Inflation Rates
IBCM statistics
NPS Statistics
Large value Transactions
Card Payments
Clearing House
Internet Banking
Mobile Transactions
Money Remittance
Banking and Financial
Exchange Rates
Inflation Rates
IBCM statistics
Career Opportunities
Public Notices
External sector statistics
Current account
Current account
Total exports of goods
Total exports of goods and services
Foreign direct investment
Foreign direct investment
Foreign reserves
Foreign reserves import cover
Foreign reserves stock
Total imports of goods (f.o.b.)
Total imports of goods and services
Imports of goods
Fertilizer import value
Oil imports value (f.o.b)
Oil imports volume
Non-traditional exports
Manufactured goods
Minerals exports
Total non-traditional exports
Services receipts
Other services
Total services receipts
Traditional exports
Cashewnuts export value
Cashewnuts export volume
Cloves export value
Cloves export volume
Coffee export value
Coffee export volume
Cotton export value
Cotton export volume
Sisal export value
Sisal export volume
Tea export value
Tea export volume
Tobacco export value
Tobacco export volume
Total traditional exports
Government finance statistics
Debt stock
Bilateral public external debt stock
Commercial public external debt stock
Domestic debt stock
Export credit public external debt stock
Multilateral public external debt stock
Private sector external debt stock
Public sector external debt stock
Total debt stock
Domestic revenue
LGA Own sources
Non-tax revenue
Tax revenue
Total domestic revenue
Government expenditure
Development expenditure
Recurrent expenditure
Total government expenditure
Monetary and financial statistics
Monetary aggregates
Broad money supply (M2)
Broad money supply (M2) annual growth
Credit to private sector
Credit to private sector annual growth
Extended broad money supply (M3)
Extended broad money supply (M3) annual growth
Foreign currency deposits
Narrow money supply (M1)
Narrow money supply (M1) annual growth
Private sector deposits in the banking system
Stock of reserve money (M0)
Stock of reserve money (M0) annual growth
Total deposits in the banking system
Money market transactions
7-day IBCM transactions
Overnight IBCM transactions
National account statistics
GDP at constant prices
Deflator (2015=100)
GDP at factor cost (1966 constant prices)
GDP at factor cost (1976 constant prices)
GDP at factor cost (1992 constant prices)
GDP at market prices (2001 constant prices)
GDP at market prices (2007 constant prices)
GDP at market prices (2015 constant prices)
GDP growth
Spliced GDP at 2015 constant prices
GDP at current prices
GDP at factor cost (1966 current prices)
GDP at factor cost (1976 current price)
GDP at factor cost (1992 current prices)
GDP at market prices (2001 current prices)
GDP at market prices (2007 current prices)
GDP at market prices (2015 current prices)
Gross capital formation
Spliced GDP at current prices
GDP per capita
GDP per capita at 1966 constant prices
GDP per capita at 1966 current prices
GDP per capita at 1976 constant prices
GDP per capita at 1976 current prices
GDP per capita at 1992 constant prices
GDP per capita at 1992 current prices
GDP per capita at 2001 constant prices
GDP per capita at 2001 current prices
GDP per capita at 2007 constant prices
GDP per capita at 2007 current prices
GDP per capita at 2015 constant prices
GDP per capita at 2015 current prices
Other statistics
Food stock
Population growth -Tanzania Mainland
Population growth -Tanzania Zanzibar
Population-Tanzania Mainland
Population-Tanzania Zanzibar
Prices and interest rates
Exchange rates
End of period exchange rate
Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
Period average exchange rate
Real Effective Exchange Rate
Interest rates
10-year Treasury bond yield
15-year Treasury bond yield
182-day Treasury bills yield
1-year deposit rate
1-year lending rate
20-year Treasury bond yield
25-year Treasury bond yield
2-year Treasury bond yield
35-day Treasury bills yield
364-day Treasury bills yield
5-year Treasury bond yield
7-day IBCM rate
7-year Treasury bond yield
91-day Treasury bills yield
Discount rate
Lombard rate
Overall lending rate
Overall time deposit rate
Overnight IBCM rate
REPO rate
Reverse REPO rate
Savings deposit rate
Manufacturing index
Manufacturing index
Core inflation rate
CPI (Base year = 2020)
CPI (Base year = Dec-2015)
CPI (Base year = Sept-2001)
CPI (Base year = Sept-2010)
Diesel prices
Energy inflation rate
Food inflation rate
Headline inflation rate
Kerosene prices
Non-food inflation rate
Petrol prices
Trade price indices
Export price indices
Import price indices
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